❑ In the information pathway, data models are increasingly decentralised and distributed in hybrid environments providing innovation and transformation of society into world economies.
❑ The Digital Economy deals with the intensive use of Information and Communication Technologies (TICS), including new ways of functioning and interaction between individuals, companies and the state. Data, information and knowledge are key production factors, contributing to increased productivity, cost reduction, process change and the creation of new business models and jobs.
❑ On-site assets, public and private clouds, own and third-party, can help implement this model with the cloud infrastructure and make it operative, allowing applications to navigate between these worlds supporting the business models of the present and Future: AI, Blockchain, Big Data, IoT and IT.
❑ The applications that form enterprise ecosystems are increasingly complex from an operational standpoint to meet business demands in the day-to-day businesses.
❑ IT Professionals, DATACENTER specialists with a technical profile and a high degree of knowledge will have the responsibility to conduct operationally the most diverse platforms and critical environments implementing projects in the cloud environment.
❑ Compliance and know-how are driven by best technology practices.